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- Joel Dewberry
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- Leslie Moak Murray
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- Monica Forsberg
- Nathalie Lete
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- Odile Bailloeul
- Philip Jacobs
- Rashida Coleman-Hale
- Ruby Star
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- Santoro (Kori Kumi)
- Sarah Jane
- Sharon Holland
- Stacy Iest Hsu
- Studio 8
- Sue Daley
- Sue Penn
- Susan Cousineau
- Susy.Bee
- Tanya Whelan
- Tim Holtz
- Tina Higgins
- Tokyo Milk
- Tula Pink
- Turnowsky
- Whistler Studio
- Zen Chic

**Carnival 52781dw-1des WIDEBACK 108" / 270 cms Priced Per 50 Cm.
48.00 per metre / $24.00 per 50 Cm. Wideback Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, the minimum purchases is 50 Cm. and it is sold in 50 Cm. increments. If you would like a more specific amount eg 1.8 Metres please message me and I can send you an invoice. For example: 1 unit = 50 cm 2 units = 1 Metre 3 units = 1.5 Metres 4 units = 2 Metres ...

**KFC Millefiore PASTEL WIDEBACK - QBGP006.Priced per 50 cm
$32.00 $34.00
$64.00 per metre / $32.00 per 50 Cm. Wideback Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 50 Cm. increments. If you would like a more specific amount eg 1.8 Metres please message me and I can send you an invoice, minimum cut is 50 Cm. For example: 1 unit = 50 cm 2 units = 1 Metre 3 units = 1.5 Metres 4 units = 2 Metres 100% ...

+#KFC August 2023 Fat Quarter Bundle PASTEL -10 Fat Quarters
10 US fat quarters 18" x 21" - 45 Cm X 55 Cm Factory Cut. Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do Not Bleach. Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton

DESIGNER SOLIDS DAZZLE - (Tula Pink) Unicorn Poop.Priced per 25cm
$6.45 $6.70
$25.80 per metre / $6.45 per 25 Cm. Fabric is sent in 1 continuous piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a stra...

DESIGNER SOLIDS JULEP Tula Pink Unicorn Poop.Priced per 25cm
$6.20 $6.45
$24.80 per metre / $6.20 Fabric is sent in 1 continuous piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms ...

DESIGNER SOLIDS STARGAZER Tula Pink Unicorn Poop.Priced per 25cm
$6.20 $6.45
$24.80 per metre / $6.20 Fabric is sent in 1 continuous piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms ...

KFC Beaded Curtain GREY PWGP191 FEB 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 per metre / $7.95 Repeat 6" Width X 12" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. ...

KFC Beaded Curtain PASTEL PWGP191 FEB 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 per metre / $7.95 Repeat 6" Width X 12" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. ...

KFC Big Blooms PASTEL PWGP091.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Repeat: 16" Width x 24" H Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordere...

KFC Brassica PASTEL PWPJ051.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 per metre, $7.95 per 25 cm. Repeat: Full Width x 25”H Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ...

KFC Caladiums Pastel PWPJ108 Priced per 25cm
$28.80 per metre $7.20 per 25cm REPEAT IS 28" Width X Height 24" Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cm...

KFC Charlotte PASTEL PWGP186 Feb 2022.Priced per 25cm
$29.80 per metre $7.45 per 25cm Repeat: 32”W x 16”H Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered ...

KFC Japonica CONTRAST PWPJ130 AUG 2024.Priced per 25cm
$33.80 per metre, $8.45 per 25 cm Repeat 29.3" x 25" Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a ...

KFC Japonica PASTEL PWPJ130 AUG 2024.Priced per 25cm
$33.80 per metre, $8.45 per 25 cm Repeat 29.3" x 25" Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a ...

KFC Lake Blossoms PINK GP93.Priced per 25cm *LAST CHANCE*
$28.80 per metre $7.20 per 25cm Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will...

KFC Lotto Lilac PWBM035.Priced per 25cm
$27.80 per metre. $6.95 per 25cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25c...
KFC Millefiore PASTEL GP92.Priced per 25cm

KFC Millefiore PASTEL GP92.Priced per 25cm
$8.45 $9.50
$33.80 per metre $8.45 per 25cm Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will ...

KFC Reflections PASTEL PWBM087.Priced per 25cm.
$31.80 per metre $7.95 per 25cm Repeat 8" x 8" Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will be cut, if you prefer a fat quarter can you please leave a note at checkout. Repeat 8" x 8"Contents 1...

KFC Regal Fans PASTEL PWGP188 Feb 2022.Priced per 25cm
$29.80 per metre $7.45 per 25cm Repeat: 12.5”W x 12.5”H Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is orde...

KFC Roman Glass Pastel PWGP001.Priced per 25cm
$27.80 per metre. $6.95 per 25cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25...

KFC Vintage - Bead Stripe PASTEL PWGP050.Priced per 25cm
$7.95 $8.95
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will be...

KFC Vintage - Flower Lattice PASTEL PWGP011.Priced per 25cm
$7.95 $8.95
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will be...

KFC Vintage - Lichen CELADON PWGP076.Priced per 25cm
$7.95 $8.95
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will b...

Unicorns by Jason Yenter 8UN 1, MYSTIC BOOKBINDER MARBLE.Priced per 25cm
$26.80 per metre / $6.70 per 25cm Fabric Designer: Jason Yenter. Quality Digital Prints printed on Premium Cotton. Fabric can be bought in 25cm increments. . For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre All fabr...