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- Black Friday
- Laura Heine
Black Friday
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- Sweet_Bees Designer_Susybee
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- The Good Life
- The Guilty Quilter
- The Migration
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- Tiny-Beasts
- Tiny-Dots
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- tone
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- Tula Pink
- Unicorn Poop
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- Vestige
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- Zoeys Garden
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- Birds
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- Border Prints
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- Busy Lizzy
- Butterflies
- Butterfly
- Butterfly-Kisses
- ButtonMosaic
- Cactus Flower
- Caladium
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- Charm Squares
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- Childrens
- Chips
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- Climbing Geraniums
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- DamaskFlower
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- Dots
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- Echinacea.Glow
- Emma
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- Floral
- Flower Dot
- Flower_Net
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- Guinea Flower
- Half Metre Bundle
- Hearts
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- Hexagons
- Hexy
- Hokusai's_Mum
- Home Made
- Honorable Mention
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- Jetty
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- Lacy Leaf
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- Lake Blossom
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- Lil Jaguars
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- Macaw Ya Later
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- Mosaic Circles
- Moss
- Moss.Flower
- Mystical
- Mythical
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- Nursery
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- Ombre
- Ombre Leaves
- Onion Rings
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- Panels
- Paper Fans
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- Picky
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- Postage.Due
- Pre Order
- Primulas
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- rabbit
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- Reptile
- Rolled Paper
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- Sewing
- Sharks Teeth
- Shot Cotton
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- Spices Fusion
- Spot
- Spots
- Squiggle
- Stacked
- Stained.Damask
- star
- Stars
- Stone Flower
- Stripe
- Stripes
- Sundaze
- Sunflowers
- Sunkissed
- Tent Stripes
- text
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- TheMandalorian
- Tickle_Me_Fancy
- ToneOnTone
- Transport
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- Tropical
- Tulas True Colours
- Unicorn
- Variegated Morning Glory
- Vine
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- Blue Fury
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- Cinamon
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- Coral
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- Delft
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- Dragonfly
- Dragonfruit
- Duck Egg
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- Emerald
- Evening
- Fern
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- Flare
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- Fuchsia
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- Grass
- Gray
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- Grey
- Guava
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- Hot
- Indigo
- Ink
- Iris
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- Leafy
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- Lemondrop
- Lilac
- Lilypad
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- Magenta
- Mango
- Marigold
- Maroon
- Merlot
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- Moonglow
- Morganite
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- Multi
- Multi-Colour
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- Noon
- Ocean
- Ochre
- Opal
- Orange
- Papaya
- Paprika
- Pastel
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- Peachy
- Peacock
- Pebble
- Peony
- Peridot
- Petal
- Picky
- Pinapple
- Pine
- Pineapple
- Pink
- Plum
- Pomegranate
- Powder
- Prune
- Pumpkin
- Purple
- red
- Rose
- Rosegold
- Royal
- Rust
- Sage
- Sapphire
- Scarlet
- Seafoam
- Seaweed
- Sepia
- Shimmer
- Shire
- Sienna
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- Sky
- Slate
- Smoke
- Snapdragon
- Soft Tan
- Songbird
- Spark
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- Stone
- Summer
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- Sunset
- Tan
- Tangerine
- Tanzanite
- Taupe
- Tawny
- Teal
- Thistle
- Tiger Lily
- Tomato
- Tourmaline
- Tropical
- Turquoise
- Velvet
- Warm
- Watermelon
- White
- WildFire
- Yellow
- Yellow.Gold
- American Jane
- Amy Butler
- Anna Maria Horner
- Anne Bollman
- Bari J
- Basic Grey
- Bonnie & Camille
- Bonnie Christine
- Bookhou
- Brandon Mably
- Brenda Riddle
- Christopher Florence
- Cori.Dantini
- Courtney Cerruti
- Creative Grids
- Cystal Manning
- David Walker
- Deb Payne
- Deborah Edwards
- Elizabeth.Hartman
- Erin Michael
- Free Blush
- Gingiber
- Jackie Shapiro
- Jason Yenter
- Jennifer Paganelli
- Jody Bergsma
- Joel Dewberry
- Judie Rothermel
- Julia Cairns
- Kaffe Fassett
- Laura Heine
- Leslie Moak Murray
- Margot Elena
- Maureen Cracknell
- Melly & Me
- Mia Charro
- Monica Forsberg
- Nathalie Lete
- Nicole De Leon
- Odile Bailloeul
- Philip Jacobs
- Rashida Coleman-Hale
- Ruby Star
- Samantha Walker
- Sandy Gervais
- Santoro (Kori Kumi)
- Sarah Jane
- Sharon Holland
- Stacy Iest Hsu
- Studio 8
- Sue Daley
- Sue Penn
- Susan Cousineau
- Susy.Bee
- Tanya Whelan
- Tim Holtz
- Tina Higgins
- Tokyo Milk
- Tula Pink
- Turnowsky
- Whistler Studio
- Zen Chic

COLOR FUSION by Laura Heine Alyssum - Coral PWLH019.CORAL.Priced per 25cm
$24.80 per metre, $6.20 per 25cm. Color fusion is the merging, melding and blending between the colors of the fabrics, the designs and the thread combined. Each process that one goes through to complete a quilt is part of the color fusion. See everything around you in shapes and colors. Your color palette expresses your individual personality...

COLOR FUSION by Laura Heine Alyssum - Yellow PWLH019.YELLOW.Priced per 25cm
$24.80 per metre, $6.20 per 25cm. . Color fusion is the merging, melding and blending between the colors of the fabrics, the designs and the thread combined. Each process that one goes through to complete a quilt is part of the color fusion. See everything around you in shapes and colors. Your color palette expresses your individual person...

COLOR FUSION by Laura Heine Daisy - Plum PWLH018.PLUM.Priced per 25cm
$24.80 per metre, $6.20 per 25cm. Color fusion is the merging, melding and blending between the colors of the fabrics, the designs and the thread combined. Each process that one goes through to complete a quilt is part of the color fusion. See everything around you in shapes and colors. Your color palette expresses your individual personalit...

COLOR FUSION by Laura Heine Pointed Petal - Blue PWLH021.BLUE.Priced per 25cm
$24.80 per metre, $6.20 per 25cm. Color fusion is the merging, melding and blending between the colors of the fabrics, the designs and the thread combined. Each process that one goes through to complete a quilt is part of the color fusion. See everything around you in shapes and colors. Your color palette expresses your individual personalit...

COLOR FUSION by Laura Heine Pointed Petal - Gray PWLH021.GRAY.Priced per 25cm
$24.80 per metre, $6.20 per 25cm. Color fusion is the merging, melding and blending between the colors of the fabrics, the designs and the thread combined. Each process that one goes through to complete a quilt is part of the color fusion. See everything around you in shapes and colors. Your color palette expresses your individual personalit...
Garden Party by Laura Heine Quilt Pattern

Garden Party by Laura Heine Quilt Pattern
$35.00 $40.00
Description Garden Party fused applique quilt by Laura Heine includes full sized pattern and complete instruction on completing the quilt. Finished Size 66" x 86" A stunning applique quilt designed by Laura Heine of Fiberworks, Garden Party is a one-block wonder, featuring a single block of butterflies and floral motifs rotated into a rai...