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Free Spirit
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- Designer Solids
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- Feb.2022
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- Kaffe Fassett Collective
- Kaffe Morris & Co
- KFC Aug 2022
- KFC.PreCut
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- Neon_True_Colors
- NeonTrueColors
- New Tula Pink Solids
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- PreCut
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- Shot Cotton
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- Tambourine
- Temple-Garden
- Tiny-Beasts
- Tiny-Dots
- Tiny-Stripes
- Treasure.Island
- True Colors
- Tula Pink
- Tula Pink Precut
- Unicorn Poop
- Untamed
- Vestige
- Vintage
- Welcome Home
- Wide back
- Wideback
- Woven-Stripes
- Zoeys Garden
- 10" Charm
- Aboriginal Dot
- Acanthus
- Agate
- Amaryllis
- Amaze
- Ammonites
- Among the stars
- Animal
- Animals
- Aqua
- Artichoke
- Asian.Circles
- Backing
- Backing fabric
- Bali Brocade
- Balls
- BananaTree
- Bang
- Beach Balls
- Bead-Stripe
- Beaded Curtain
- Beaded-Tent
- Big Blooms
- Bird
- Birds
- Blackburn
- Blender
- Bloom
- Board-Stripe
- Border Print
- Border Prints
- Bossy
- Branches
- Brassica
- Bright Weave
- Brimming
- Brocade Peony
- Brollies
- Bubble.stripe
- Bubbly
- Busy Lizzy
- Butterflies
- Butterfly
- Butterfly-Kisses
- ButtonMosaic
- Cactus Flower
- Cactus-Dahlia
- Caladium
- Camo.Flower
- Carpet Cookies
- Cat
- Caterpillar-Stripe
- Charlotte
- Charm Squares
- Checkmate
- CheckPlease
- Chevron Stripes
- Chicago
- Chips
- Christmas
- Chrysanthemum
- Circle
- Climbing Geraniums
- Cloisonne
- Club-Kitty
- Co-Ordinate
- Coleus
- Collage
- Color Brigade
- Comb.stripe
- Cosmos
- Cotton Candy Pinwheels
- Creased
- Curly-Basket
- Daffodil & Dogwood
- Daisy
- DamaskFlower
- Dancing Dahlias
- Darker
- Design Roll
- Diamond Stripe
- Dinasour
- DinosaurEggs
- Disco
- Disco-Lucy
- Discs
- Dog
- Dorothy
- Dots
- Dragons Breath
- Dream
- Droplets
- Echinacea
- Echinacea.Glow
- Embroidered Shawl
- Enchanted
- Exotic-Stripe
- Fabric pack
- Facets
- Faded.Tile
- Fairy Dust
- Fairy Flakes
- Fans
- Fat Quarter Bundle
- Feathers
- Fish
- Fish Lips
- Fish/Sealife
- Fittonia
- Floating.Hibiscus
- Flora
- Floral
- Flower
- Flower Dot
- Flower-Field
- Flower-Lattice
- Flower_Net
- Flowers
- FlowerStudies
- Forbidden fruit snacks
- Fronds
- Fruits/Vegetables
- Funky Flora
- Fushimi
- Garden-Party
- Garland
- Geodes
- Geometric
- Ghost Nouveau
- GiftRapt
- Gingham
- Goldfish
- Gradi-Floral
- Grandiose
- Guinea Flower
- Half Metre Bundle
- Hashbrowns for breakfast
- Heart
- HelloDahlia
- Hexy
- Hexy.Rainbow
- Hokusai's_Mum
- Honorable Mention
- House Leeks
- Hyacynthus
- Hydrangea
- ImpendingBloom
- Indian
- Japanese Chrysanthemum
- Japonica
- Jelly Roll
- Jumble
- Jupiter
- Katagami
- Kit
- Koi_Polloi
- Kyoto
- Lace
- Lacy Leaf
- Ladybugs
- Lake Blossom
- Layer Cake
- Leaves
- Leicester
- Lichen
- Lighter
- LighttheWay
- Lil Charmer
- Lil Jaguars
- Lily-Pond
- Little Chicago
- Little Fluffy Clouds
- Llama
- Locket
- London
- Lotto
- Lotus Leaf
- Low Volume
- Lucy
- Macaw Ya Later
- Map
- Maple-Cascade
- Marble-Scallops
- Market-Basket
- Mars
- Masculine
- Meadow
- Melange
- MeteorShowers
- Metre Bundle
- Michaelmas.Daisy
- Millefiore
- Mineral
- Minky
- Mixed.media
- Modern
- Moon
- Mosaic Circles
- Moss
- Moss.Flower
- Narrow-Stripes
- Neptune
- NorthernLights
- Novelty
- Oak
- Octopus
- Ombre
- Ombre Leaves
- Onion Rings
- Oranges
- Oriental
- Oriental Trees
- Overachiever
- Owl
- Paisley
- Palm-Leaves
- Panel
- Papaver
- Paper Fans
- Paperweight
- Pattern
- Pebble Mosaic
- Penny-Wise
- Peony
- Peony-Cascade
- Persian Vase
- Pets
- Piano Sorte
- Picky
- Pinwheels
- Pom Pom
- Postage.Due
- Pre Order
- PreCut
- Primulas
- Promenade Stripe
- Puppylove
- raiment
- Rainbows
- Rainful
- Reflections
- Regal Fans
- Regimental Ties
- Rhododendrons
- Rings
- Rolled Paper
- Roman Glass
- Roses
- Rusted Patina
- Sailor.Valentine
- Saturdaze
- Sea
- Sea Urchins
- Shadow Flower
- Shaggy
- Sharks Teeth
- Shell
- Shiraz
- Shirt stripes
- Shot Cotton
- Sinister Gathering
- Skunk
- Small Incarnation
- SmBubbleStripe
- Spot
- Spots
- Squiggle
- Stacked
- Stained.Damask
- star
- Star Cluster
- Stardust
- Stargazer
- Stone Flower
- Strawberry Thief
- Stripe
- Stripes
- Sundaze
- sweet peas
- Targets
- Tent Stripes
- text
- Texture
- Tickle_Me_Fancy
- Tilt
- Tonal Floral
- ToneOnTone
- TreeRex
- Trefoil
- Trifecta
- Tropical
- tropical.water.lillies
- Tudor
- Tulas True Colours
- Turtle
- Twig
- Unicorn
- Urn
- Van_Gogh
- Variegated Morning Glory
- Vestment
- Vine
- Visitation
- Wandle
- Watermelon
- Wideback
- Wildflower
- WildVine
- WingIt
- Wisteria
- Witch
- Words
- World
- Zebra
- Zig Zag
- Zinnia
- Abyss
- Agave
- Algae
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Anemome
- Antique
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aqua
- Aquamarine
- Aster
- Aubergine
- Autumn
- Aventurine
- Avocado
- Azalea
- Azure
- Banana
- Begonia
- Beige
- Berry
- Bird
- Black
- Black/White
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Blue
- Bluebell
- Blueberry
- Blush
- Bottle
- Bright
- Brown
- Burgandy
- Burn
- Burnt
- Buttercup
- Butterscotch
- Byzantine
- Candy
- Carnelian
- Carnival
- Celadon
- Celestial
- Celestine
- Cerulean
- Chalk
- Charcoal
- China
- Chocolate
- Cinamon
- Citrine
- Citrus
- Clarity
- Cloud
- Clover
- Cobalt
- Cocoa
- Contast
- Contrast
- Cool
- Coral
- Cornflower
- Cosmic
- Cotton Candy
- Cranberry
- Cream
- Cricket
- Crimson
- Dahlia
- Daisy
- Dark
- Darker
- Dawn
- Daydream
- Dazzle
- Delft
- Delphinium
- Denim
- Desert
- Diva
- Dove
- Dragonfly
- Dragonfruit
- Drama
- Drift
- Duck Egg
- Dusk
- Dusky
- Earth
- Ecru
- Eggplant
- Electroberry
- Emerald
- Equinox
- Evening
- Fern
- Fire fish
- Flamingo
- Flare
- Forest
- Foxglove
- Frolic
- Froth
- Fuchsia
- Glacier
- Glow
- Gold
- Granite
- Grape
- Gray
- Green
- Grey
- Guava
- Heather
- Holiday
- Honesty
- Hot
- Hot Pink
- Hydrangea
- Ice
- Indigo
- Ink
- Iris
- Jade
- Jasper
- Jewel
- Julep
- July
- Jungle
- Juniper
- Karma
- Khaki
- Kiwi
- Knightsbridge
- Lapis
- Lavender
- Leafy
- Legendary
- Lemon
- Lemondrop
- Lighter
- Lilac
- Lilypad
- Lime
- Limeade
- Lunar
- Lunch
- Lupine
- Magenta
- Mango
- Marigold
- Maroon
- May
- Meadow
- Melon
- Merlot
- Midnight
- Mint
- Mist
- Misty
- Mocha
- Moody
- Moon_Beam
- Moonbeam
- Moonflower
- Moonglow
- Moonstone
- Morganite
- Morning
- Moss
- Mountain
- Multi
- Multi-Colour
- Myrtle
- Mystery
- Mystic
- Natural
- Navy
- Nerium
- Neutral
- Noir
- Nora
- Nova
- Obsidian
- Ocean
- Ochre
- Oleander
- Onyx
- Opal
- Opera
- Orange
- Pantina
- Papaya
- Paper
- Paprika
- Pastel
- Patina
- Peach
- Peach Blossom
- Peachfuzz
- Peachy
- Peacock
- Pear
- Peony
- Peridot
- Persimmon
- Petal
- Petunia
- Picky
- Pinapple
- Pine
- Pineapple
- Pink
- Pink/Red
- Pistachio
- Plum
- Pomegranate
- Poppy
- Powder
- Prism
- Prune
- Pumpkin
- Purple
- Putty
- Rainbow
- red
- Regal
- Rio Red
- Riore
- Rose
- Rouge
- Royal
- Russett
- Rust
- Sage
- Salmon
- Sand
- Sapphire
- Scarlet
- Seabreeze
- Seafoam
- Seaweed
- Sepia
- September
- Shell
- Sherbert
- Shimmer
- Shire
- Shocking
- Sienna
- Silver
- Sky
- Smoke
- Snapdragon
- Songbird
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Spirit
- Spring
- Stargazer
- Starling
- Steel
- Stone
- Storm
- Strawberry
- Strawberryblonde
- Summer
- Sunburst
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Surfur
- Tangerine
- Tanzanite
- Taupe
- Tawny
- Teal
- Thistle
- Tiger Lily
- Tomato
- Tourmaline
- Tropical
- Turquoise
- Twilight
- Velvet
- Vineyard
- Vintage
- Vinyard
- Violet
- Warm
- Watermelon
- Whimsy
- White
- White paper
- WildFire
- Wine
- Winter
- WinterWhite
- Yellow
- Yellow.Gold
- Amy Butler
- Anna Maria
- Anna Maria Horner
- Bookhou
- Brandon Mably
- Cori.Dantini
- Courtney Cerruti
- David Walker
- Jennifer Paganelli
- Joel Dewberry
- Kaffe Fassett
- Laura Heine
- Margot Elena
- Mia Charro
- Monica Forsberg
- Morris & Co.
- Morris Kaffe & Co
- Nathalie Lete
- Odile Bailloeul
- Philip Jacobs
- Sue Penn
- Tanya Whelan
- Tim Holtz
- Tokyo Milk
- Tula Pink
- Wandle
- William Morris

""Mythical by Tula Pink - 5" Charm Squares Designer Solids
42 Pieces - 5" X 5" Squares FB610TP.MYTHICAL Free Spirit 100% Cotton Weight: Quilting

""True Colors Neon Inks - 5" Charm Squares Designed by Tula Pink
42 - 5" squares Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do not bleach Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton
"KFC August 2023 10" Charm / Layer Cake COOL

"KFC August 2023 10" Charm / Layer Cake COOL
$98.00 $107.00
42 - 10" X 10" squares Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do not bleach Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton
"KFC August 2023 10" Charm / Layer Cake HOT

"KFC August 2023 10" Charm / Layer Cake HOT
$98.00 $107.00
42 - 10" X 10" squares Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do not bleach Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton
"KFC Feb 2023 10" Charm / Layer Cake LIGHTER

"KFC Feb 2023 10" Charm / Layer Cake LIGHTER
$98.00 $100.30
42 - 10" X 10" squares Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do not bleach Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton

"Mythical by Tula Pink - 10" Charm Squares (Layer Cake) Designer Solids
42 Pieces - 10" X 10" Squares FB610TP.MYTHICAL Free Spirit 100% Cotton Weight: Quilting

"True Colors Neon Inks - 10" Charm Squares (Layer Cake) Designed by Tula Pink
$98.00 $114.00
42 - 10" X 10" squares Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do not bleach Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton
*!KFC August 2023 Design Roll / Jelly Roll COOL

*!KFC August 2023 Design Roll / Jelly Roll COOL
$98.00 $107.80
Design Roll includes 40 2 1/2-inch strips | 100% Cotton Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do Not Bleach. Tumble dry low Warm iron
*!KFC Feb 2023 Design Roll / Jelly Roll DARKER

*!KFC Feb 2023 Design Roll / Jelly Roll DARKER
$98.00 $100.30
Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do not bleach Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton
*!KFC Feb 2023 10" Design Roll / Jelly Roll LIGHTER

*!KFC Feb 2023 10" Design Roll / Jelly Roll LIGHTER
$98.00 $100.30
Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do not bleach Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton

*!Mythical by Tula Pink Design Roll (Jelly Roll) DESIGNER SOLIDS
40 Pieces - 2.5" X 42" - 44" FB4DRTP.MYTHICAL 100% Cotton Weight: Quilting

*#Everglow designed by Tula Pink 1 Metre Bundle
The bundle contains 1 Metre Cut of each of the pictured fabrics from the Everglow Range, 8 Metres in all.

*#Maywood Studios Kimberbell Basics BRIGHT LIGHTS Fat Quarter Bundle 20 FQ's
Kimberbell Basics Bright Lights Fat Quarter Bundle - 20 Pre-Cut Fat Quarters - 18” x 22” - Kimberbell - Cotton Fabric by Maywood Studio 20 Factory cut Fat Quarters. 100% Cotton

*#METRE BUNDLES Nightshade (Déjà Vu) by Tula Pink - 8 X 1 METRE CUTS
The bundle contains 1 Metre Cut of each of the pictured fabrics from the Everglow Range, 8 Metres in all. Contents 100% cotton

*#Neon True Colors by Tula Pink - Half Metre bundle
Each bundle contains 24 Half Metres - 1 of each in the Neon True Colors Range.

*#Parisville (Deja Vu) by Tula Pink - ½ Metre Bundle
½ METRE of each of the 8 fabrics pictured in the Parisville Range. Parisville was my first collection for FreeSpirit Fabrics which was originally released in 2010. This collection marked the start of a new partnership that has gone on to last more than a decade! The collectability of our print fabrics has continued to rise over the years. My goa...
*#Provisions HALF METRE BUNDLE by Tim Holtz 16 X ½ Metre cuts.

*#Provisions HALF METRE BUNDLE by Tim Holtz 16 X ½ Metre cuts.
$180.00 $212.00
$180 SALE PRICED 16 x ½ Metre Cuts “In a world where the moments of our lives can be captured and created in art of the everyday, it’s important it reflects our own unique personality. Finding just the right objects, accents, and tools to use are most important. Whatever your artistic vision is, exploring the imaginative is a chance for our cre...
*#Riley Blake HOLIDAY CHEER Fat Quarter Bundle 24 Fat Quarters

*#Riley Blake HOLIDAY CHEER Fat Quarter Bundle 24 Fat Quarters
$180.00 $199.00
Fibre Content: 100% Cotton Width: 18" x 22" Item Description: This Fat Quarter precut bundle includes 24 pieces from the collection. Washing Instructions: Machine Wash Cold/Tumble Dry Low

*#Tiny Co-Ordinates - Tiny Dots & Stripes by Tula Pink HALF METRE BUNDLE - (24 Fabrics)
SALE PRICED $278.00 1 Half Metre of Each of 12 Tiny Spots and 12 Tiny Stripes Fabric. Tiny Dots & Stripes will coordinate with Tiny Beasts and the new Neon fabrics including Everglow. The Tiny Stripes and Tiny Dots are an evolution of the Poms and Tent Stripe prints that started Tula Pink’s True Colors. These prints are designed to be inc...

FAT QUARTER BUNDLE 14 Fat Quarters Treasure Island by Snow Leopard Designs is a beautiful collection of fabrics that is inspired by my painting trips and visits to exotic islands. During the 1970s and early 1980s, I spent a lot of time painting landscapes in the Isles of Scilly. It is a magical group of islands off the southwest tip of England t...

HALF METRE BUNDLE 14 X HALF METRE CUTS Treasure Island by Snow Leopard Designs is a beautiful collection of fabrics that is inspired by my painting trips and visits to exotic islands. During the 1970s and early 1980s, I spent a lot of time painting landscapes in the Isles of Scilly. It is a magical group of islands off the southwest tip of Engla...

*#True Colors - Fairy Flakes Neon by Tula Pink - One Metre bundle Fairy Flakes
Each bundle contains 8 x 1 Metre Cuts of Neon True Colors Fairy Flakes designed by Tula Pink. 100% Cotton.

+#KFC Aug 2022 COOL Fat Quarter Bundle - 20 Fat Quarters
20 US fat quarters 18" x 21" - 45 Cm X 55 Cm Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do Not Bleach. Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton

+#KFC August 2023 Fat Quarter Bundle COOL - 19 Fat Quarters
19 US fat quarters 18" x 21" - 45 Cm X 55 Cm Factory Cut. Machine wash cold, normal cycle with like colours. Do Not Bleach. Tumble dry low Warm iron 100% Cotton