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- CheckPlease
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- Fairy Flakes
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- Fish Lips
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- Flower Dot
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- Flower-Lattice
- Flower_Net
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- Forbidden fruit snacks
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- Ghost Nouveau
- GiftRapt
- Gingham
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- Grandiose
- Guinea Flower
- Half Metre Bundle
- Hashbrowns for breakfast
- Heart
- HelloDahlia
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- Hexy.Rainbow
- Hokusai's_Mum
- Honorable Mention
- House Leeks
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- Lil Jaguars
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- Lotus Leaf
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- Moss.Flower
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- Ombre Leaves
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- Oriental Trees
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- Palm-Leaves
- Panel
- Papaver
- Paper Fans
- Paperweight
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- Pebble Mosaic
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- Peony
- Peony-Cascade
- Persian Vase
- Pets
- Piano Sorte
- Picky
- Pinwheels
- Pom Pom
- Postage.Due
- Pre Order
- PreCut
- Primulas
- Promenade Stripe
- Puppylove
- raiment
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- Reflections
- Regal Fans
- Regimental Ties
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- Rings
- Rolled Paper
- Roman Glass
- Roses
- Rusted Patina
- Sailor.Valentine
- Saturdaze
- Sea
- Sea Urchins
- Shadow Flower
- Shaggy
- Sharks Teeth
- Shell
- Shiraz
- Shirt stripes
- Shot Cotton
- Sinister Gathering
- Skunk
- Small Incarnation
- SmBubbleStripe
- Spot
- Spots
- Squiggle
- Stacked
- Stained.Damask
- star
- Star Cluster
- Stardust
- Stargazer
- Stone Flower
- Strawberry Thief
- Stripe
- Stripes
- Sundaze
- sweet peas
- Targets
- Tent Stripes
- text
- Texture
- Tickle_Me_Fancy
- Tilt
- Tonal Floral
- ToneOnTone
- TreeRex
- Trefoil
- Trifecta
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- tropical.water.lillies
- Tudor
- Tulas True Colours
- Turtle
- Twig
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- Urn
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- Variegated Morning Glory
- Vestment
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- Visitation
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- WildVine
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- Zig Zag
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- Azure
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- Burnt
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- Celestine
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- Contrast
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- Cricket
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- Darker
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- Dazzle
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- Dragonfruit
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- Drift
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- Ecru
- Eggplant
- Electroberry
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- Fern
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- Froth
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- Grey
- Guava
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- Hot Pink
- Hydrangea
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- July
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- Juniper
- Karma
- Khaki
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- Knightsbridge
- Lapis
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- Leafy
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- Lemon
- Lemondrop
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- Lilac
- Lilypad
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- Limeade
- Lunar
- Lunch
- Lupine
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- Mango
- Marigold
- Maroon
- May
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- Melon
- Merlot
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- Mint
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- Misty
- Mocha
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- Moon_Beam
- Moonbeam
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- Moonstone
- Morganite
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- Multi-Colour
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- Mystic
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- Nora
- Nova
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- Oleander
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- Opera
- Orange
- Pantina
- Papaya
- Paper
- Paprika
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- Patina
- Peach
- Peach Blossom
- Peachfuzz
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- Peacock
- Pear
- Peony
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- Petal
- Petunia
- Picky
- Pinapple
- Pine
- Pineapple
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- Pink/Red
- Pistachio
- Plum
- Pomegranate
- Poppy
- Powder
- Prism
- Prune
- Pumpkin
- Puprle
- Purple
- Putty
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- red
- Regal
- Rio Red
- Riore
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- Rouge
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- Russett
- Rust
- Sage
- Salmon
- Sand
- Sapphire
- Scarlet
- Seabreeze
- Seafoam
- Seaweed
- Sepia
- September
- Shell
- Sherbert
- Shimmer
- Shire
- Shocking
- Sienna
- Silver
- Sky
- Smoke
- Snapdragon
- Songbird
- Spark
- Sparkle
- Spirit
- Spring
- Stargazer
- Starling
- Steel
- Stone
- Storm
- Strawberry
- Strawberryblonde
- Summer
- Sunburst
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunshine
- Surfur
- Tangerine
- Tanzanite
- Taupe
- Tawny
- Teal
- Thistle
- Tiger Lily
- Tomato
- Tourmaline
- Tropical
- Turquoise
- Twilight
- Velvet
- Vineyard
- Vintage
- Vinyard
- Violet
- Warm
- Watermelon
- Whimsy
- White
- White paper
- WildFire
- Wine
- Winter
- WinterWhite
- Yellow
- Yellow.Gold
- Amy Butler
- Anna Maria
- Anna Maria Horner
- Bookhou
- Brandon Mably
- Cori.Dantini
- Courtney Cerruti
- David Walker
- Jennifer Paganelli
- Joel Dewberry
- Kaffe Fassett
- Laura Heine
- Margot Elena
- Mia Charro
- Monica Forsberg
- Morris & Co.
- Morris Kaffe & Co
- Nathalie Lete
- Odile Bailloeul
- Philip Jacobs
- Sue Penn
- Tanya Whelan
- Tim Holtz
- Tokyo Milk
- Tula Pink
- Wandle
- William Morris

COTTAGE GARDEN Hollyhock Delight BLUE PWSL138 by Philip Jacobs SNOW LEOPARD) Priced per 25cm
$30.00 per metre / $7.50 per 25 Cm. Repeat WOF x 18" Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a ...

COTTAGE GARDEN Ladybirds BLUE PWSL141 by Philip Jacobs SNOW LEOPARD) Priced per 25cm
$30.00 per metre / $7.50 per 25 Cm. Repeat 7.2" x 6" Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a ...

HAPPY BLOOMS by Sue Penn PWSP050.CRIMSON SPOTTY.Priced per 25cm
$29.80 per metre $7.45 per 25cm The Fabric is a digital print. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is...

KFC Brassica Rust PWPJ051.Priced per 25cm IN STORE ROOM
$33.80 per metre $8.45 per 25cm Repeat: Full Width x 25”H Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ord...

KFC Busy Lizzy Red PWGP175.Priced per 25cm *LAST CHANCE*
*THIS FABRIC HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE FREE SPIRIT RE-ORDERABLE CATALOGUE, ONCE IT HAS SOLD OUT I WONT BE ABLE TO GET ANY MORE. $26.80 per metre, $6.70 per 25 cm. . Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can...

KFC Cactus Dahlia RED PWPJ054.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 per metre $7.95 per 25cm Repeat 30" Width x 24" Height Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is...

KFC Cactus Flower MULTI PWPJ096.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 per metre, $7.95 per 25 cm. Repeat 30" Width x 24" Height Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms i...

KFC Embroidered Shawl MAGENTA PWGP106 AUG 2022.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 per metre $7.95 per 25cm Repeat: 37.5" Width x 24" H Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is o...

KFC Feb 2025 Penny-Wise RED PWGP206 Priced per 25cm
$8.45 $9.45
$33.80 per metre, $8.45 per 25 cm Repeat 8" Width X 8" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will be cut, if you prefer a fat quarter can you please leave a note at c...

KFC Floating Hibiscus CONTRAST PWPJ122 AUG 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Repeat 29" Width X 25" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your n...

KFC Floating Hibiscus RED PWPJ122 AUG 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Repeat 29" Width X 25" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your ...

KFC Floral Burst MAROON PWPJ029 FEB 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 per metre / $7.95 Repeat WOF" Width X 24" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs...

KFC Floral Burst RED PWPJ029 FEB 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 per metre / $7.95 Repeat WOF" Width X 24" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your need...

KFC Hyacinthus BLUE PWPJ123 AUG 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Repeat 22" Width X 12.5" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your...

KFC Hyacinthus RED PWPJ123 AUG 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Repeat 22" Width X 12.5" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your...

KFC Japanese Chrysanthemum Pink PWPJ041.Priced per 25cm
$29.80 per metre, $7.45 per 25 cm. Repeat: Full Width x 24”H Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ...

KFC Millefiore Tomato GP92 .Priced per 25cm
$28.80 per metre $7.20 per 25cm Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will ...

KFC Regal Fans RED PWGP188 Feb 2022.Priced per 25cm
$29.80 per metre $7.45 per 25cm. Repeat: 12.5”W x 12.5”H Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is orde...

KFC Rhododendrons HOT PWPJ124.AUG 2023.Priced per 25cm
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Repeat WOF Width X 25" Height LAYBUY IS AVAILABLE Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your ...
KFC Trefoil Red PWGP167.Priced per 25cm

KFC Trefoil Red PWGP167.Priced per 25cm
$6.00 $6.45
$25.80 per metre. $6.45 per 25cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25...

KFC Vintage - Flower Lattice Circus PWGP011.Priced per 25cm
$7.95 $8.95
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will be...

KFC Vintage - Grandiose RUST PWPJ013.Priced per 25cm
$7.95 $8.95
$31.80 PM / $7.95 per 25 Cm. Fabric is sent as 1 piece of fabric, it can be purchased in 25 Cm. increments. For example: 1 unit = 25cm 2 units = 50cm 3 units = 75cm 4 units = 1 metre If for any reason I can't cut a continuous length I will contact you before posting the fabric to discuss your needs. If 25cms is ordered a straight 25cms will b...

Snow Leopard English Garden - Rose Bower Harvest Philip Jacobs.Priced per 25cm.
$23.80 per metre $5.95 per 25cm Item # PWSL053.HARVE The English Garden Collection for Snow Leopard Designs is inspired by my lifelong passion for English gardens. From the dense herbaceous borders overflowing with peonies and various hefty leaved flowering plants, to the ordered rows of vegetable and fruit gardens with their tomato and strawbe...

Snow Leopard English Garden - Vegetable Garden - Spring Philip Jacobs.Priced per 25cm.
$23.80 per metre $5.95 per 25cm Item # PWSL052.SPRIN The English Garden Collection for Snow Leopard Designs is inspired by my lifelong passion for English gardens. From the dense herbaceous borders overflowing with peonies and various hefty leaved flowering plants, to the ordered rows of vegetable and fruit gardens with their tomato and strawbe...